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Special District


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What is a Special District?
Special districts are local government agencies that provide essential services to millions of Californians. Special districts are formed and governed by local residents to establish or enhance essential services and infrastructure in their communities. Each special district focuses on providing specific types of services. It is this focused service that allows for innovation and long-term planning to meet the community's needs.

What is our legal name?
Waterloo Morada Rural County Fire Protection District is an independent special district.  This means we are  independent from other governments. We are:

  • Directly accountable to the people we serve.
  • A local form of government.
  • Governed by a board of directors elected directly by the voters

How are we funded?
Special districts are funded by local property taxes and fees for service. They keep local dollars focused on local priorities.

  • Financial Stability
  • Infrastructure bonding capacity
  • Non-enterprise service

Special Districts go beyond providing important services to their residents. The partnerships they create with members of their community have ripple effects that positively impact the entire state.